Friday 18 December 2015

Hello's & Goodbye's

Avgeeks, Plane Nerds, Spotters.. Some of the words used to describe the passion and hobby I am very much a part of.

The smell of the AvGas, the roar of the engines and the awe of standing next to something so massive and marvelous, and the sight of hundreds of tons of metal soaring through the air defying the laws of physics..... All of these reasons and more keep me, and many others coming back to the airport perimeter each week. 

But... There's something more amazing about the aircraft we seek out on sunny days. These magical feats of engineering enable an entire world of Hello's & Goodbye's every minute of every day. What was once inconceivable is now common place. What was once distant, is now just around the corner. 

The joy, the tears and the excitement of air travel and the interactions it provides us with the human race, the distant place and a friendly face are the most endering characters of Aviation in the year 2015.

Here's an image of just such an interaction. My wife's best friend in the world is onboard CX162 here, flying to HongKong, and then onto Paris to begin 3 years of cooking school. For her, excitement of the unknown and following her dreams,  for my wife, the loss of a best friend but also the pride of someone she cares about, doing what they love in life, and for me, another excuse to do what I love, aviation photography!


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